Unsolved Crimes * Crimes in Progress * Wanted Fugitives
Always Anonymous
To ensure that callers remain anonymous, a system of ID numbers has been adopted. Upon calling Yavapai Silent Witness, day or night, callers will be given a 4 or 5-digit control number, which also acts as the case number. This number then becomes the caller’s “name” throughout the process, thus allowing for information otherwise deemed risky or hazardous to be revealed. Once the information has been processed, it will be passed on to the individual agency in charge of the case, caller’s anonymity still in place.
What is Silent Witness?
Yavapai Silent Witness is an organization developed to assist law enforcement agencies throughout Yavapai County and across the State of Arizona. It provides an anonymous channel of communication through which members of the community are given the opportunity to assist law enforcement officials in solving crimes within Yavapai County, while keeping their personal information undisclosed.
Cash Rewards
Callers wanting to know about cash rewards must call the Program Director Monday-Thursday between 8 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at 1-800-932-3232. Call Yavapai Silent Witness (1.800.932.3232) with any information or concerns regarding criminal activity. YSW will pay cash rewards to any caller whose information leads to a felony arrest. Once the suspect has been arrested, no cash reward will be available to subsequent callers.